Ivan Marković
Security consultant and researcher
Long experience in designing and implementation of security solutions, mainly oriented on web, mobile and embedded applications. Author of penetration testing tools, recognized by OWASP organization and BackTrack Linux distribution. Researching work includes discovery of vulnerabilities of numeral applications and services, and for these, author received public apreciations by Microsoft Company..
Useful GDPR resources
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) strengthens the right of individuals in the European Union (EU) to control their personal data and requires organizations to bolster their privacy and data protection measures. It applies to organizations established in the European Union (EU) as well as organizations-wherever they are located-that offer goods and services to the EU or monitor the behavior of individuals in the EU. Enforcement of the regulation begins May 25, 2018. The following questions are meant to assist organizations by identifying technologies and steps that can be implemented to simplify their GDPR compliance efforts.
In Vorbereitung auf die DS-GVO können Sie mit diesem Datenschutz-Werkzeug prüfen, wie gut Ihr Unternehmen bei wesentlichen Datenschutzanforderungen aufgestellt ist.
In einer kurzer Tour durch alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten werden Ihnen 28 Fragen zu zentralen DS-GVO-Themen gestellt und am Ende detailliert mitgeteilt, ob Sie sich bereits auf einem "guten Weg" zur Compliance befinden oder noch Maßnahmen zu treffen haben.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now only months away from entering into force (May 2018). There have been numerous debates as to how it will change the landscape of data protection in the EU and beyond. But looking at the broader picture, the GDPR brings an important aspect into sharper focus: the integration of human rights into business practices.
To be very clear from the outset, if you think the PCI DSS is a good ‘stepping stone’ to GDPR, you need to do a lot more homework. Data security represents less than 5% of the entire GDPR, and the PCI DSS is – in my admittedly biased estimation – no more than 33% of a true security program.
Opšta regulativa o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti, odnosno General Data Protection Regulation (u daljem tekstu GDPR) je novi pravni okvir koji propisuje način korišćenja podataka o ličnosti građana EU. Iz toga proizilazi da će svaka organizacija koja na bilo koji način obrađuje podatke EU građana morati da se pridržava novih pravila o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti, čak i ako joj je sedište izvan teritorije EU.
If you want to understand the ground shaking change that the EU's General Data Protection Rule (GDPR) will have when it comes into force in May of 2018, look no further than hotel giant Hilton Domestic Operating Company, Inc., formerly known as Hilton Worldwide, Inc (a.k.a. "Hilton."). Hilton Paid a $700K Fine For 2015 Breach; Under GDPR, It Would Be $420 Million.
AWS continually maintains a high bar for security and compliance across all of our regions around the world. This has always been our highest priority—truly “job zero.” The AWS Cloud infrastructure has been architected to offer customers the most powerful, flexible, and secure cloud-computing environment available today. AWS also gives you a number of services and tools to enable you to build GDPR-compliant infrastructure on top of AWS.