Vreme poslednje provere: Fri Jul 13 18:35:23 2018
Servis | Info | Poverenje |
Platforma za digitalno pismenu Srbiju www.pametnoibezbedno.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: e63fac15ccaa40c81ccb82a71d002c3e5f85da2e Common Name: pametnoibezbedno.local Issuer: pametnoibezbedno.local Serial Number: D92CCADF625CAD8B Not Before: Jul 31 13:22:58 2017 GMT Not After: Jul 31 13:22:58 2018 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['pametnoibezbedno.local']} | Hostname Validation: FAILED - Certificate does NOT match www.pametnoibezbedno.gov.rs Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['pametnoibezbedno.local'] |
Portal eUprava Republike Srbije www.euprava.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 4bceb91b39026accf4c241e3c47993fbae19fcce Common Name: *.euprava.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 70E6995825554175240D02BC0645B1BD Not Before: Nov 8 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Nov 27 23:59:59 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['*.euprava.gov.rs', 'euprava.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['*.euprava.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority'] |
Integrisani Zdravstveni Informacioni Sistem Republike Srbije app.mojdoktor.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 5d873f9574b4c80ede749d861830ea094bf43e61 Common Name: *.mojdoktor.gov.rs Issuer: GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2 Serial Number: 3BEBFE00A3E8DF462F308F54 Not Before: Mar 22 15:42:26 2018 GMT Not After: Apr 21 15:42:26 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['*.mojdoktor.gov.rs', 'mojdoktor.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: certificate has expired Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['*.mojdoktor.gov.rs', 'GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2', 'GlobalSign Root CA'] |
Poreska uprava Republike Srbije eporezi.poreskauprava.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 539824995c6f29c2997c305a9e2ed76fbe57dba9 Common Name: eporezi.poreskauprava.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: F1A4108162C6C2BC42C30F0FE8B83294 Not Before: Aug 4 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Aug 4 23:59:59 2018 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['eporezi.poreskauprava.gov.rs', 'www.eporezi.poreskauprava.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['eporezi.poreskauprava.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority'] |
Republicki fond za zdravstveno osiguranje (Web Servisi) webapp2.rzzo.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 78d62e25ba3a6bb401f7e6797d1cee001e51d082 Common Name: webapp2.rzzo.rs Issuer: thawte DV SSL CA - G2 Serial Number: 396765B3E2ACA9D3C2910461EFCAA8EC Not Before: Aug 28 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Aug 28 23:59:59 2018 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['webapp2.rzzo.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['webapp2.rzzo.rs', 'thawte DV SSL CA - G2', 'thawte Primary Root CA'] |
Web servisi Narodne banke Srbije webservices.nbs.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 9255cac89531913d229085d94d7b0c44ec1a67c0 Common Name: *.nbs.rs Issuer: Thawte TLS RSA CA G1 Serial Number: 037F3B62259D1237663519830A178CA8 Not Before: May 18 00:00:00 2018 GMT Not After: Jul 16 12:00:00 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['*.nbs.rs', 'nbs.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['*.nbs.rs', 'Thawte TLS RSA CA G1'] |
eKatastar nepokretnosti katastar.rgz.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: d4256fbb5c7ada637abc67a173ab4797faaaa209 Common Name: katastar.rgz.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 88B382E4DEA4EE0540604A977999DAEE Not Before: Oct 27 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Nov 26 23:59:59 2018 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['katastar.rgz.gov.rs', 'www.katastar.rgz.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['katastar.rgz.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority'] |
Portal Centralnog registra obaveznog socijalnog osiguranja portal.croso.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 7356ab0b0f89ac42da37faff08aa0454b8c2df9d Common Name: portal.croso.gov.rs Issuer: GeoTrust RSA CA 2018 Serial Number: 09B772A1E73FA1F396C24A3463552797 Not Before: Jan 15 00:00:00 2018 GMT Not After: Feb 13 12:00:00 2021 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['portal.croso.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['portal.croso.gov.rs', 'GeoTrust RSA CA 2018', 'DigiCert Global Root CA'] |
Republicki fond za penzisko i invalidsko osiguranje servisi.pio.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: aadba3f5b398a50e8ad2dde0d9e5b999cce8fd0d Common Name: *.pio.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 2C2829A79C974167A92FDAADFF4CD5F9 Not Before: Nov 3 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Nov 2 23:59:59 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 4096 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['*.pio.rs', 'pio.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['*.pio.rs', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA'] |
Regulatorna agencija za elektronske komunikacije i postanske usluge portal.ratel.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: a749aff6609c84fdc76c611430d11827fab2c7d3 Common Name: *.ratel.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: EDBF187FBDDA3356CB8A87669B50A31F Not Before: Dec 28 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Dec 28 23:59:59 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['*.ratel.rs', 'ratel.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['*.ratel.rs'] |
Sistem elektronskog bankarstva Postanske stedionice ebank2.posted.co.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 829d904853c650b25e7b03d8d6cff834987cd118 Common Name: ebank2.posted.co.rs Issuer: DigiCert Global CA G2 Serial Number: 09D2D286BF71062143375589982BCCAC Not Before: Feb 7 00:00:00 2018 GMT Not After: Apr 8 12:00:00 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['ebank2.posted.co.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['ebank2.posted.co.rs', 'DigiCert Global CA G2'] |
Elektronske usluge Poreske uprave www.poreskauprava.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: dd0f2ecddc679914ea1c8e21379b46a07b91de74 Common Name: mail.purs.gov.rs Issuer: Posta CA 1 Serial Number: 48FD6848 Not Before: Jul 11 10:48:23 2013 GMT Not After: Jul 11 11:18:23 2018 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['mail.purs.gov.rs', 'mail.poreskauprava.gov.rs', 'autodiscover.poreskauprava.gov.rs', 'autodiscover.purs.gov.rs', 'autodiscover.purs.local', 'cenit1srvch1.purs.local', 'cenit1srvch2.purs.local', 'cenit1srvch3.purs.local', 'cenit1srvch4.purs.local', 'eporezi.poreskauprava.gov.rs', 'www.poreskauprava.gov.rs', 'eporezi.purs.gov.rs', 'www.purs.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['mail.purs.gov.rs'] |
Narodna banka Srbije www.nbs.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 9255cac89531913d229085d94d7b0c44ec1a67c0 Common Name: *.nbs.rs Issuer: Thawte TLS RSA CA G1 Serial Number: 037F3B62259D1237663519830A178CA8 Not Before: May 18 00:00:00 2018 GMT Not After: Jul 16 12:00:00 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['*.nbs.rs', 'nbs.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['*.nbs.rs', 'Thawte TLS RSA CA G1'] |
Ministarstvo drzavne uprave i lokalne samouprave www.mduls.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 4d6b2d106114a243e4f9f1a593ec66eae0f69ac2 Common Name: data.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 9AF944458E89FBCFEB82726D927531BC Not Before: Dec 16 00:00:00 2016 GMT Not After: Dec 16 23:59:59 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['data.gov.rs', 'www.data.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: FAILED - Certificate does NOT match www.mduls.gov.rs Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['data.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA'] |
Ministarstvo finansija, Uprava Carina www.carina.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 53dd17ca266cfabcd551de395119de1541558322 Common Name: mail.carina.rs Issuer: CARINA-ISSUING-CA Serial Number: 4A00000053E48487915F88E6C5000000000053 Not Before: Apr 16 21:04:43 2018 GMT Not After: Apr 15 21:04:43 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['mail.carina.rs', 'autodiscover.carina.rs']} | Hostname Validation: FAILED - Certificate does NOT match www.carina.rs Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['mail.carina.rs', 'CARINA-ISSUING-CA'] |
Ministarstvo finansija, Uprava Carina, NCTS eccgw.carina.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 273667c88b8013de0f8df57b82c0c9acaf0316de Common Name: eccgw.carina.rs Issuer: PKS CA Class2 - IT resursi Serial Number: 3E591ADDD797F244 Not Before: Sep 18 10:00:51 2017 GMT Not After: Sep 18 10:00:51 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) | Hostname Validation: OK - Common Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['eccgw.carina.rs'] |
Elektronsko podnosenje zahteva za zastitu intelektualne svojine eipr.carina.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 60ce646f5f94aca0b50d33038088d6ee0dbe15fb Common Name: eipr.carina.rs Issuer: PKS CA Class2 - IT resursi Serial Number: 695A07893ECFBFEB Not Before: Jun 14 08:16:08 2016 GMT Not After: Jun 14 08:16:08 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) | Hostname Validation: OK - Common Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['eipr.carina.rs', 'PKS CA Class2 - IT resursi'] |
Agencija za privredne registre www.apr.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 821a1283f8e5fb843bb1fcf46a97020aad1617d9 Common Name: *.apr.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 0798A7250AF372BF8FE87C361FED48D0 Not Before: Jan 31 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Jan 31 23:59:59 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['*.apr.gov.rs', 'apr.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['*.apr.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority'] |
Agencija za privredne registre, REID reid.apr.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 821a1283f8e5fb843bb1fcf46a97020aad1617d9 Common Name: *.apr.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 0798A7250AF372BF8FE87C361FED48D0 Not Before: Jan 31 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Jan 31 23:59:59 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['*.apr.gov.rs', 'apr.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['*.apr.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority'] |
Ministarstvo gradjevinarstva, saobracaja i infrastrukture gradjevinskedozvole.rs | None | None |
Registar neplacenih novcanih kazni i drugih novcanih iznosa rnk.sipres.sud.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 11a28bb63c86399be523027295c49b7f72a34093 Common Name: *.sipres.sud.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: AA1DB4C361D6B4C9FCF258BA5D7C970C Not Before: Mar 17 00:00:00 2018 GMT Not After: Mar 17 23:59:59 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['*.sipres.sud.rs', 'sipres.sud.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['*.sipres.sud.rs', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA'] |
Lokalna poreska administracija, Grad Beograd lpa.beograd.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: db9863720d0a2551322098b820eaea9044dae87f Common Name: zis.beograd.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 0745B877764AE44C66E5AAE279435F1B Not Before: Nov 18 00:00:00 2015 GMT Not After: Nov 17 23:59:59 2018 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['zis.beograd.gov.rs', 'app.beograd.gov.rs', 'autodiscover.beograd.gov.rs', 'euprava.beograd.gov.rs', 'konkurs.beograd.gov.rs', 'lpa.beograd.gov.rs', 'mail.beograd.gov.rs', 'nabavke.beograd.gov.rs', 'portal.beograd.gov.rs', 'sap.beograd.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['zis.beograd.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA'] |
Trezor, registar zaposlenih zapos.trezor.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: b97e89a48fa9ec6a641d1c2e2693041474b2f896 Common Name: zapos.trezor.gov.rs Issuer: PKS CA Class2 - IT resursi Serial Number: 2AA79E29251B0DCC Not Before: Jan 18 11:58:03 2016 GMT Not After: Jan 18 11:58:03 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'email': ['filip.streoski@trezor.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Common Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['zapos.trezor.gov.rs'] |
Direkcija za elektronsku upravu www.deu.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 4d6b2d106114a243e4f9f1a593ec66eae0f69ac2 Common Name: data.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 9AF944458E89FBCFEB82726D927531BC Not Before: Dec 16 00:00:00 2016 GMT Not After: Dec 16 23:59:59 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['data.gov.rs', 'www.data.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: FAILED - Certificate does NOT match www.deu.gov.rs Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['data.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA'] |
Beogradska berza www.belex.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 58967ce1b2a10654f2b7b45aaf1902138f9bf516 Common Name: www.belex.rs Issuer: Thawte RSA CA 2018 Serial Number: 0A197A8AC8EC7914C45E041089B1302B Not Before: Jun 18 00:00:00 2018 GMT Not After: Jun 18 12:00:00 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['www.belex.rs', 'belex.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['www.belex.rs', 'thawte DV SSL CA - G2'] |
Beogradska berza www.belex.info:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 8d735c250fc3fc13db91cc1d56a885a51607175e Common Name: upload.belex.rs Issuer: Thawte RSA CA 2018 Serial Number: 0D8D869F56C03D1F41C97037F9132B1D Not Before: Apr 26 00:00:00 2018 GMT Not After: May 26 12:00:00 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['upload.belex.rs']} | Hostname Validation: FAILED - Certificate does NOT match www.belex.info Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['upload.belex.rs', 'thawte DV SSL CA - G2'] |
Beogradska berza, Upload upload.belex.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 8d735c250fc3fc13db91cc1d56a885a51607175e Common Name: upload.belex.rs Issuer: Thawte RSA CA 2018 Serial Number: 0D8D869F56C03D1F41C97037F9132B1D Not Before: Apr 26 00:00:00 2018 GMT Not After: May 26 12:00:00 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['upload.belex.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Certificate Chain Received: ['upload.belex.rs', 'thawte DV SSL CA - G2'] |
Nacionalna sluzba za zaposljavanje www.nsz.gov.rs | None | None |
Registar nacionalnog internet domena Srbije www.rnids.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: b5c5e42d972cf063575b5ae31dc69803f2387baa Common Name: www.rnids.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 98E38CD20D3F82864ECDE0D7E09E4C01 Not Before: Sep 14 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Oct 2 23:59:59 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['www.rnids.rs', 'rnids.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['www.rnids.rs', 'COMODO RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority'] |
Upit u jedinstveni biracki spisak birackispisak.mduls.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: ac81110a23b1d14b6a06c990bef5ddeb34e65356 Common Name: birackispisak.mduls.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: AADAE2D69140BF7702ABD7EDDB9F62E7 Not Before: Mar 7 00:00:00 2017 GMT Not After: Mar 6 23:59:59 2020 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['birackispisak.mduls.gov.rs', 'www.birackispisak.mduls.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['birackispisak.mduls.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority'] |
Portal otvorenih podataka data.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 4d6b2d106114a243e4f9f1a593ec66eae0f69ac2 Common Name: data.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 9AF944458E89FBCFEB82726D927531BC Not Before: Dec 16 00:00:00 2016 GMT Not After: Dec 16 23:59:59 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['data.gov.rs', 'www.data.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['data.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA'] |
Elektronski dnevnik esdnevnik.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 049569049d84f96e8d2b07abfb27337ae2a8c3da Common Name: esdnevnik.rs Issuer: Let's Encrypt Authority X3 Serial Number: 04327B8522DF984162CB1382D7EE003D1FA0 Not Before: May 12 21:12:46 2018 GMT Not After: Aug 10 21:12:46 2018 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['esdnevnik.rs']} | Hostname Validation: OK - Subject Alternative Name matches Google CA Store (09/2015): FAILED - Certificate is NOT Trusted: unable to get local issuer certificate Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['esdnevnik.rs', "Let's Encrypt Authority X3"] |
Kancelarija za informacione tehnologije i elektronsku upravu ite.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 4d6b2d106114a243e4f9f1a593ec66eae0f69ac2 Common Name: data.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 9AF944458E89FBCFEB82726D927531BC Not Before: Dec 16 00:00:00 2016 GMT Not After: Dec 16 23:59:59 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['data.gov.rs', 'www.data.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: FAILED - Certificate does NOT match ite.gov.rs Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['data.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA'] |
Republicka direkcija za imovinu Republike Srbije rdi.gov.rs:443 | SHA1 Fingerprint: 4d6b2d106114a243e4f9f1a593ec66eae0f69ac2 Common Name: data.gov.rs Issuer: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Serial Number: 9AF944458E89FBCFEB82726D927531BC Not Before: Dec 16 00:00:00 2016 GMT Not After: Dec 16 23:59:59 2019 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Key Size: 2048 bit Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: {'DNS': ['data.gov.rs', 'www.data.gov.rs']} | Hostname Validation: FAILED - Certificate does NOT match rdi.gov.rs Google CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Java 6 CA Store (Update 65): OK - Certificate is trusted Microsoft CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Mozilla NSS CA Store (09/2015): OK - Certificate is trusted Apple CA Store (OS X 10.10.5): OK - Certificate is trusted Certificate Chain Received: ['data.gov.rs', 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority', 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA'] |